What is Bakers Sto N Go

The American made Bakers Sto N Go is a food storage container that will let you layer your tasty treats.  Lets see exactly what this all-in-one food storage container can do. 

When used for frosted Cookies, or iced cookies, this will be your best cookie storage container because it allows you to store your decorated sugar cookies with ease, simply layer your frosted cookies and nothing ever touches.  This cookie container is the "new" version of an airtight cookie jar.  Will keep cookies fresh for up to 5 days.  The cookie container will hold up to 40 cookies.  

When used for Brownies - This food storage container allows you to layer your brownies so they don't stick together.  Think about those moments when you made Mississippi mud brownies, or blonde brownies, or frosted chocolate brownies all to find them stuck together.  This will no longer be an issue with this food storage container. 

When used for Mini Cupcakes, you will be surprised you can get 32 mini cupcakes in this food storage container.  

When used for Bundt Cakes- yes that's right bundt cakes.  Given its small design, yet large inside capacity, it will store/carry your bundt cakes.  We tested with the average bundt cake mold.

When used for Chocolate Covered Strawberries- use the deviled egg trays and put your chocolate covered strawberries in the inserts and they stay looking beautiful, and this food storage container will hold 32 of them!

When used for Deviled Eggs, it becomes the best deviled egg container because it will hold 32 deviled eggs. I can't help you with making deviled eggs, but I surely can help you storing deviled eggs.

And when your not currently baking, you can certainly use this as a Potato chip holder, or Popcorn holder, or both.  You can even insert a tray down the middle to divide the container in half, and makes great storage for cereal, popcorn, goldfish, basically anything you like.

You see, the Bakers Sto N Go food storage container is so versatile, the power to store your food is now in your control.  No more one dimensional food storage containers.  Now you can layer your food, and it stays looking beautiful.