Yes that's me!

I am a wife, mother, inventor, an Auburn graduate (war eagle), and a crazy entrepreneur (what was I thinking).   


This picture was taken for my certificate Women Owned Business.  I was featured back in January 2019.  What a journey it has been.  Here is the link to the article.

  Women Owned Business Certificate for Bakers Sto N Go

After having this business for nearly 13 years, I have learned tons, more than I every anticipated or wanted to learn.  I had no idea what I was in for.  In 2007, times were simpler, go to a show, show off your product, if the buyer liked it, they bought it, you shipped and it sold on the stores shelves.  Well a lot has changed since 2007, and with Amazon being the worlds largest retailer now, the shows quickly become not as lucrative, and I had to change the way I did business.  Well, I wasn’t really up for that task. 

I decided to license the product to Mrs. Fields cookies.  That was a wonderful adventure for about 4 years.  It gave me a break so I could focus on learning new aspects of the Entrepreneur world.  After years of research, I decided to give take it back and implant the new strategies to the ever changing retail world. Lucky me!

So what did I do, go to Walmart.  Why??  Well they have a program where they are changing many products in their store to Made in USA.  I am Made in USA.  Yay!  I was so excited, they invited me to Bentonville, and within 2 days, I was accepted to Walmart.  As an entrepreneur I was so excited!  Wow I thought!  Now mind you, this was NOT what I had been focusing on the last few years, it was mainly e-commerce.  I was getting caught up in the retail world again, which required shows, which weren’t doing as good as back in 2007.  I was falling back into that trap.  But I wasn’t awake to see that.  So I rolled with it.  Walmart took up about 25 hours of my week, for very little money.  If any.  I decided one more year, to see if it will ever be beneficial as a small company to do business with Walmart, and as I sit here and write this, it is NOT.  Soon I will be able to refocus those hours on E-COMMERCE.  Which is what I had always wanted to do. 

I was doing so well in Retail, South Florida Business Journal decided to write a story about me.  Huh?  Me?  And I made the front cover.  See below. 

 A great store, Jo-Anns Fabric is now carrying Bakers Sto N Go, and honestly I couldn’t happier.  They are a wonderful store, and my perfect clientele.  Yay!  Such nice people and such a great company.  Helping us all with our crafts; my second hobby is scrap-booking.

In years ahead, I hope to dominate the market with their cookie storage, or any desserts for that matter.  My container is not huge, who wants huge?  Where do you store it in your kitchen?  If you want to store more cookies, buy 2, but the choice is yours, so your not storing bulk containers.  Plus, it's not just for cookies, its the all around food storage container.  Great for pies, brownies, mini cupcakes, etc... you choose what you want to store and HOW you store it.  The grooves on the side are adjustable, so you can decide the height.  Who ever heard of such a thing.  ME!  Lol!  Yes crazy for sure, but after the many thanks that I've received I couldn't have been any happier I brought this to market. 

 I hope I've entertained you, that was my mission.  I am not a corporate stuffy worker, I believe in being fun and happy!  Sometimes we can be too serious, why?  Life should be enjoyed and we should all have fun!  I try to bring that into my business, amongst the tears sometimes.  So if you are into supporting small businesses, women entrepreneurs, made in USA products, please purchase from me!  I would be overly delighted that you are helping me continue my growing business.  Thank you! 

Lastly, if you need a place to store your frosted cookies, frosted brownies, pies, small cakes, mini cupcakes, look now further than the Bakers Sto N Go, the best cookie containers out there.  It may not be the "Be All" container, but is the best for any food items you don't want to get ruined.  

I send you this little message, be happy and go after your dreams.  If you can see it in your mind, you can surely hold it in your hand - Mark Horevitz taught me that. Beautiful. :)